o negative blood type physical characteristics

If the individual cannot come to terms with what is bothering them, it could lead to self-destructive behavior. She's the one who is well versed in all the arts of natural healing. It will have a bad effect. I felt I would know if something was really wrong. I am male and have no childrentried but always ended in miscarriage. The psychiatrist told me that if I speak with people who have low empathy, they understand nothing of what you say, like if you speak chinese. This is very important in emergency situations when a person requires immediate blood transfusion and there is no time to test his/her blood group. They want to let their skills and experience help others in the best possible way every day. They were related to the scottish and the irish. If you have the B blood type, then you'd have B antigens, but not A antigens. Here is an article explaining the O negative blood type diet. When pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter. I only found about less than two years ago at 37 that I was rh negative during pregnancy.never really thought much about it, life went on as normal. * Overall I think I'm pretty much as normal & different aswell most everyone else in this world. B - blood type and physical characteristics but, one trait which almost no one ever seems to consider for men is how gay is he (and how masculine the two are not mutually exclusive)? Forget it! Because of this trait, youll find these people going 100% all the time, which makes them more susceptible to injuries and burnout when compared to other personality types. Twice I had experiences with dreams of extraterrestrials entering my room while I am sleeping. All in all, I think I cover the common characteristics of being RH- fairly well to say the least. I could go on forever, I am a loner, I love to think about things by myself, I am a born again Christian, I love Christian music videos. I don't think I am a physical healer, but I am the person to whom everyone comes with problems. Experts once thought spear thrusting produced the disparity, but new research points to a much more astonishing cause. That means anyone can receive O-negative blood, regardless of their blood type. Has that come up at all? one of my grandchildren has one green eye and one black eye. Just try not to talk about those thoughts with your peers. You purposely create feelings to give yourself energy. I have dreams that come true, I know things before they happen, I have to be careful of who I touch because whatever is going on with them will come to me, I have to be careful what I watch on TV because it can have a hard effect on me ( very empathetic )I can tell if theres another presence in the room, I know when someone is lying to me or fake. Such real dreams that I have never forgotten them all these years later. I'm usually hot I have to keep my house cool and have a fan on me at night or I can't breath. Complications are likely to occur in second pregnancy with an Rh positive fetus if adequate preventive measures are not taken. Where is rh negative blood most frequent? Still thinking about it, and have been (certain parts) since I was 3. A bunch of animals !!!! One year before a motor vehicle accident, I began dreaming about being in the accident with my mother. How theres a bit of Neanderthal in all of us: DNA link to cavemen revealed. Her father was o+ which we found out later and she was a.perfect baby, second baby also fine at birth, third was a premier and is also a-. But only to people who do not understand them. They form their opinion only on facts. Her name is Dylan Siobhan but she also goes by Selkie, of the mermaid lore. I have a high IQ and have my bedroom windows open all year round and I live outside Boston. She died young, at 41 from a heart attack but I've frequently mentioned that her favorite shows were Outer Limits and Alfred Hitchcock. I don't have any unexplainable body scars. I have had things happen that I thought about and have projected those thoughts on others. I am definitely a truth seeker and for 5 years have been on a research mission and it all leads to how our democracy has been hijacked by elite bankers that are satanists. Usually, they are. I assume I was given RhoGAM after the birth of my lovely daughter. we share an unknown ancestor. People with Type O Negative blood often listen to their intuition. Hello, I'm french canadian (My text will contain some mistakes with the english language). If a baby needs surgery or to be transferred to a hospital with a better neonatal intensive care unit, O-negative blood can be a lifesaver. what does it mean, to have this blood? 4 major reasons why blood type tests can show different results, O and Rh-negative blood types may already have COVID-19 antibodies. Your blood type doesnt drive your personality. They form opinions based on the facts that are available to them, willing to keep an open mind about their decisions if new information comes to life. in my point of view O negative people are very sensitive ,their initial prespective toward things is always negative.they can catch mental illness easily, specially bopar disorder and depression, they think a lot about things, they are energetic,powerful,good sex drive,intelligent. And they have distinct physical and mental characteristics. I've always wanted to be a healer, although I tend to stay away from people because of the noise and emotions I pick up on everyone. (babysitting) I guess my major revelation with all of this is that I have read about how rare my blood type is and how beneficial it is to people who are sick and that there is less than 16% of the population that is type O RH-. She was so observant of the world and I so wish I could of had a conversation about it with hershe was a true Irish lady, spit fire deluxe. I'd love to hear from RH negative people who have none of the traits! Ciel, thank you for posting your gathered information for all of us to understand ourselves and the similarities we have being rh negative. Where should you get your ancestry tested? @J Yes, I am for real lol. Fear of losing control is the one of the RH negative blood type common characteristics. (Probably!). Don't know what it all is. Only about 7-15% of the population has RH negative blood. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: Your email address will not be published. But in photos with my ginger cat, I notice that my hair is the same color as her furginger AKA reddish blonde or strawberry blonde. SITEMAP | PRIVACY POLICY | RETURN POLICY | TERMS AND CONDITIONS Website by Visual Lure. Otherwise use first name and last initial. Learning finally about all of this at my age has been absolutely life changing! But that is not true. I am sure others may look at it like thatbut this list was ME! Strongly I have my scientific-mathematical backgrounds in my completed college education with B.A. I feel like I am a square peg trying to fit into a round hole and have a slight obsession with space and ancient history. Lets discuss. I have had feelings of deja vu my whole life. Such an amazing subject I feel really good and kind of special right now I hope I can help by donating blood to someone who really needs it!! The belief that the time of your birth can determine your personality is widely known, from horoscopes reading out your future based on your Zodiac sign (what month you're born in) to lucky numbers and the like being determined based off your Chinese Zodiac sign (what year you're born in). Check with your doc (or at the very least google search this please). Strange "magical" characteristics that are debatable: some sort of extrasensory and/or psychic ability, tendency to be in close proximity to inexplicable strange events. Coincidence? First of all, what is Rh-negative blood? And the paranormal has always interested me. I rarely dream about people I know but I see places in my dreams sometimes when I have gone somewhere I've never been and it promotes a feeling of deja vu and there was one time that I had a deja vu of having a deja vu repeating Idk how many times but for a good 30 seconds. Experts say that these not so desirable personality traits come from the ancestral need for the flight or fight response to survive in what was a very dangerous world. So, I'm thinking that the author and I may be Rh- twins. Other details came true as well. If you have rhesus negative blood then stop reading these sites for ten minutes and go and donate your blood. Very good article, almost everything is matching. I dreamt of someone dying went to work and the most stable pts was the person in the hosp was the person in my dream. I have strawberry blonde hair & my eye color changes from green, to blue, to gray. My sense of smell is extreme and the wrong smell can make me physically ill. The people that have this type of blood all share in the following traits: Strong leadership skills; Strong focus abilities ; A large amount of natural energy ; In Japanese culture blood typing and personality typing go hand in hand. There are times the air is on full blast and I will be sweating! The treatment involves injecting the mother with antibodies against the Rh antigen (RhoGHAM) during pregnancy and at the time of delivery of baby. I wonder why people with Rh-negative blood are most likely to report having alien encounters? Always thought that our blood group plays a more important role in defining us. ABO blood group and Rh blood group is determined by the presence of three antigens ("A" and "B" for ABO system, "Rh" for Rh system). Soon after birth, newborns develop anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies but not the anti-Rh antibody. The 5 Rare Starseed Blood Types & Their Meanings: Starseed blood types are those that are affiliated with a particular star system. While pregnant, a woman with Rh-negative blood may develop antibodies to the antigens in a baby with Rh-positive blood, but this is preventable with medication. I'm o positive and have most of these traits! Someone else posted a comment I can relate with I can see through people. LOL! I KNEW I didn't want to go there. I've always had very vivid dreams that seem like movies and I usually enjoy them very much. I have I.Q. An observation first, which a previous poster mentioned, the content of all these comments are unusual in that they're well written and no profanity. That said, much of this does seem to fit this old guy. See, my parents and all my siblings have brown eyes. However, adequate prophylactic treatment is available and it almost always prevents the complications if taken at proper schedule. Many people feel like they receive consequences if they fail to listen to their instincts, which creates an internal war sometimes for the person. They are comfortable in isolation. Physical characteristics of Basque people include flat noses with bumps, pale skin with dark hair, heights that are either very tall or very short, and very high concentrations of the very rare O negative blood type. I am also very interested in paranormal, and have dabbled in Ouija boards years ago, and had good success. I was fortunate enough to live, but he wasn't. I am very curious and always asking questions, I value honesty and knowledge over anything. My mother also went through a sympathetic pregnancy with me! Source: any ABO Rh blood type compatibility chart, Strangly enough I identify with almost all those things. This might come as arrogance, but people with RH negative blood highly intelligent. As a woman I am more concerned with my unborn baby's health then wondering if I'm related to aliens. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? People with O negative type blood are more prone to ulcers. Associated health risks. Mats Rosenquist from Thailand on April 18, 2016: I am having most of the traits but actually higher than normal blood pressure even though a very low heart rate, like you said nurses are commenting on it. I would have to say I would never want to be a public figure or world leader. Overall, around 5% of the world's population will have this kind ofblood. So what does that mean for people with this blood type? I have almost all the traits, except for alien abduction and an extra vertebrae as I have never checked. They are Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Pleiades, and Orion. I will think about this and research when I have my idea. I also had a recurring nightmare when I was sick that was about climbing a pyramid. But that is not true. Learn more about: Cookie Policy. Narcissism is a trait that is always in danger of developing with this personality type if this issue is allowed to spin out of control. What I have found out was several things. You staple your pants to your work chair. Please note that comments will not be approved unless you use your real name. -Black haired as a baby with black eyes and a black mane of hair down my back which turned fair as did my hair. One site on-line claims that the Rh negative blood factor is the "Blood of the Gods". * I'm very interested in the unknown, although I am not religious at all. Many more traits and many more stories. My ancestor came from a place who mean "Village of Stones". Nice to meet you druidmysts. I don't wear watches and question our concept of time. This has not changed me one bit, nor have I had a "oh wow everything makes sense now" moment. I've recently hit bottom after having numerous neck and back surgeries (none that required transfusions), but also dealt with a few too many personal issues back to back that placed enormous stress on my body. Sorry Mom ;), I have AB- blood, I studied Biology, I have a high EQ, I always feel that i need to so something else, not sure what that is. They have a deep sense of compassion, and they make excellent teachers. 5 Empathetically intuitive Castro pictured in 1955, sans beard. I'm AB neg, and I can't stand to be around RH pos , for very long. AB blood type is the rarest blood type in the world. Next shift he thru an embolism and died. I can hear a conversation clear across the room. I have had people witness the attacks and they can't tell if the storm is reacting to me or I'm reacting to it. Im curious as to how they determine this, I realize w a blood test but its more complex than just A, B, O and combinations. Much as if I am looking out the window of a spacecraft speeding to the great beyond. Then I don't remember all the accidents of my 66 years. And you do that with common daily events. I too am O-, and have never felt at home on this planet. They respond positively to pressure because their emotional reactions to it give them extra options. This rh blood type traits pillar is finely crafted and feels comfortable. If you don't agree with something, just shut your pie hole and you move on. 4:37? As we said before, people with RH negative blood group prefer facts over opinions. I have always said I am a strong judge of character, but now if someone gives me the hibbie jibbies I know why! I have experienced telekensis, telepathy, clairoyance, psychic ability, and psychic dreams, then I frequently experience empathetic illness(ex. You can receive blood from A- and O- blood type. Im moody, have OCD, and it seems like Im a magnet for bad men married 3 times. O-negative persons are believed to be more self confident, loyal, competent and passionate. I have read that the Rh Negative trait is less common among. A person with "AB" blood group will have both "A" and "B" antigens on the red blood cells and none of the above mentioned antibodies in the plasma (neither anti-A nor anti-B antibody). What were the blood types of the Vikings? CC. there are many scaled linear spectrums i can use when considering where someone fits (as i know/understand them now) for instance: beauty, physical strength, intelligence, character, creativity, compatibility, trustworthy . These people are loving, caring, generous, and empathetic. Among the mental category, I do have a higher IQ, frequent dejavou, feelings of being an outsider (I used to think it was just a teenager thing, but it hasn't stopped as I've gotten older), I am currently in college majoring in astronomy and microbiology, heightened intuition, and I'm also easily frightened, to name a few. angels? and I know to make a statement that has an absoluteness to it regarding the gray areas that the blood type As seem to thrive with would be viewed as dogmatic and even outright mean or in acceptable. It seemed like it was there for 5 to 20 seconds or so. But so far, we can only go by ancient statues. My best wishes to all of you. Blood Type O Negative Personality Traits - YouTube People with blood type O negative are living lie detectors. Also I have heard of a tendency toward the arts. That means they work hard to help everyone succeed because that will help them be able to take credit for all the success which happens. What are the rh negative personality traits? You can be unpredictable at times. Physical: Red or auburn tint to hair Striking blue or green eyes Extra rib or vertebrae Cold to the touch Extremely sensitive to light or heat Sensitive vision, sensitive smelling and hearing Mental: Empathy for others A feeling of being different Higher than average IQ If a patient receives blood that has different antigens in it, their body will attack those antigens. Years ago I wrote a story called, "My Brother the Monkey," I have photos of me with various monkeys around the world, and I collect unusual monkey memorabilia. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { I described a planet to her of purple skies with pink oceans and blue grass. I have learned to tune out people in general and am told I am very closed off. Were the Neanderthals actually very sensitive individuals? The britons came from England long time ago, before to settle in Brittany. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? They are sometimes mistaken for being dark, as they can sometimes be perceived as cold and uncaring. I was also a very academic child; I did not attend university due to personal circumstance, but I have managed to end up in a occupation that requires a decent level of intelligence. I have had a ND EXPERIENCE AT AGE 16,this was always a major factor in my life. I wrote it down. I've manifested physical symptoms when my children were sick. I'm only posting all this for the sake of inquiring minds;). Unlike you, I gained very little weight while pregnant, a total of less than 20 pounds with all of them, and had less than 12 hours of labor total. My real hair color has always been closer to auburn, a burnished coppery rust color. She is AB-. Many times an interviewer will ask a potential candidate their blood type at an interview. I swear I must have been abducted at a very young age because I hated going to sleep because of seeing cat people. I'm O+ although for years I was told by my parents that I was O-. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Personality wise, I am very driven and determined. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! Most of me wants to read up on this for fun like I would a horoscope, but then a small part of me feels like the list of characteristics really fits me. List of Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits. Unless it helps to push life forward, it is a pointless use of energy. There are so many more things I could relate to on your list, but then I would write a book! The blood types are based on the antigens which are present in the blood. :o). And nobody can surprise you. Speed IQ is very high It is Extremely tough depressing being an O- Neg when every one in my family is Positive I lack the spark! The sense of "not belonging" could be attributed to my orphan status. People that believe in the alien race on Earth myth tend to agree they have reptilian features. Steven is a young student from San Francisco who is obsessed with computers. I have an excellent sense other than vision but am able to repair it and in the process of doing so. After her birth, I had 8 miscarriages! And then the question arises if it could be that a cleft chin for example is a result of Neanderthals with weak chins and other humanoids with strong chins mixing. Anyone else out there who has gotten this type of response to being different from the majority? At the forums I visited on this topic most people seemed pleased by the claims made about Rh-negative blood type. I have blonde, slightly reddish hair, pale blue eyes, a big head, different vision in both eyes (one is astigmatic the other is just far sighted), sensitive sense of smell, empathetic illnesses, the floating rib the author explained, low blood pressure, and sensitivity to heat! I have always been the top of my class academically. Copyright 2015 BioBalance Health. Yes, I have the extra rib too. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? I have often felt different as I dont seem to see things the way others (particularly other my age) see them. As I said it is a yes to 22 and also others I have read about that were not listed here so I am typical Rh-. I enjoy the sun but not too much. When I was a young adult having the black wavy hair, I now have my bit grey long hair then my eyes are light brown as my skin is smooth & olive-skinned in my strong Italian ancestry on lineage. I am nearsighted. I am o neg. There are 4 of us siblings and I'm the only one rarer than the others. Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. nephilim? They stand out from the crowd. Your parents have two genes each, (neg is recessive) so you could have a positive sibling. I do care about the planet, I do mourn for the world and the direction we are headed. Do Rh Negative People have a certain Look? If you have an A blood type, then you have A antigens, but no B antigens. (And yes --many blondes in my family who are not RH neg! They can also be very loyal and trustworthy. Which looks something like this in an x-ray: Interesting stuff thanks! A week after they surgically removed the cancer I called my mother just to confirm the day he had it done. But I gotta say it and be blunt absent of all the formalities of science, political correctness and perceived morality. It would be fun to see if these were common traits as well. People with the Type O Negative personality traits tend to be unpredictable because they want to be where the action is. It was named that because it behaved in a similar way when mixed with a different kind of Antigen. Kind of depends on the person's mood and this article most like will attract a certain mood too. It remains nothing more than a conspiracy theory. If you do not, then you are negative. It's very strange. I have always felt like I could "read" people and their energy right away and I believe this works in reverse too ie .animals and the ability to make very bad people back away. What types of foods did the Neanderthals consume and would it be wise for those with a high percentage of Neanderthal DNA to let this knowledge guide us in our daily consumption patterns? Thats when I started having problems at all sorts like misfortune. Os should try to avoid foods such as wheat, corn, and rice. I often feel like an observer, wherever I go. I am a skeptic, (except about the importance of knowing your blood type when pregnant) but I do find it interesting. Very odd memories that freak me out. What is unique about this blood type is that it is a universal donor. eyes, large head high forehead and widows peak which is also common with rh negative women. Why is Rh negative blood so frequent among Celtic tribes? 4. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 20, 2014: think the internet is so amazing to find very distinct groups and put us together. The absence of antigens A and B is referred to as O blood group. These people know what they can do, create plans to get work done, then implement a strategy which allows them to do it. You love finding things to do in isolation. I do like truth and answers, but I think questions are more important. can sense good and bad people. BioBalance Health Can Help You Fight Aging with Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy, Aesthetics & Weight-Loss. Lets not fool ourselves. People with Type O Negative personality traits tend to go to bed at the same time each night, wake up at the same time each morning, and do something to take care of themselves before heading off to work. This may be due to their ability to see the grand scheme of things rather than get lost in their emotions and fears. 1. I wouldnt call myself spiritual, but I am open to the existence of something we cannot understand. Also, perhaps most interesting of the correlations, I have always, from the earliest age, put myself to sleep by visualizing myself moving into outer space towards the stars. Another statistical warning for Type Os is that they have a greater risk of developing disorders such as depression, bipolar disease, and schizophrenia. Forgetting some things can be okay. I am an O neg female with 2 little boys who are both O neg as well. there is another kind of knowing, not from books or what we have been told, a sensing, like intuition, if we have intuition or instinct left to us. I believe more in rh negatives with red hair come from snakes or reptiles or some type of ancient astronaut. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Normal blood pressure and pulse. Others say the government abducted them. They often seek friendships in interaction with others. It's only a short time that I've known that I wasn't partly a Black man. At 10:30 that night, we fell from his 4th floor balcony in the middle of a kiss, not even knowing we were going over the railing and landed on cement below. (I have some good days though). They can see through others but are hard to see through. In Japan type o negative blood types were asked to describe their best qualities, a large amount of people surveyed responded that their good qualities included: Self-perception among Type O people is much more keen than that among other blood types. Honestly I think it's a part of evolution and not so much as alien although I keep an open mind to possibly. I have like 95%of the traits of this. I Thank God for finding this Hub. that said, there needs to be common groundhopefully some common interestsunderstandingrespectappreciationworking together to move forward/live in a similar direction together in some way. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? I have always wondered what the Hell is wrong with me and why I'm so different from everyone else. Concentration is nearly impossible. Not unhealthily low, but enough that the nurse always makes a comment. Can you? lefty , larger head. You may be amazed by how accurate these readings are. Norman touched the room s wholesale cbd smooth pillars with Rh Negative Blood Type Physical Traits his rh blood physical traits hands. More things I could relate to on your list, but not antigens! Group plays a more important types are based on the antigens which are present in the 's. My whole life happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do not understand your list, but a... Given RhoGAM after the o negative blood type physical characteristics of my grandchildren has one green eye and one black eye RETURN normal... Does it mean, to blue, to have this blood type coppery rust.... But no B antigens black eye known that I thought about and have been ( certain parts ) since was! 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